Missouri Supreme Court Justice Holstein once characterized the excessive fees charged by the board of an ambulance district as “an ill-disguised display of bureaucratic avarice.” Compared to the gluttony of MoPEP, the greed of that ambulance district pales by comparison.
Check all the following statements that apply. 1.___You live in a small rural town in Missouri. 2.___Your town owns its own utility department. For decades they bought wholesale power from Ameren UE or KCP&L or another big PSC regulated power company. Your board of aldermen, city council or utility board (different organizational methods, same thing) marked it up and sold it to you. 3.___ Within the last seven years your city aldermen or council signed a contract electric with MoPEP #1 because they promised to give better power prices through “economies of scale.” 4.___On or before 2005, your town council hastily signed something called “The Restated and Amended MoPEP contract” and you didn’t even notice. 5.___Since 2005-‘06 your price per kWh has shot up by 45%-71% or more and you have new charges to pay like “service availability fees” and electric meter fees you didn’t have before. 6.___Outraged citizens have demanded city officials 'do something' but all they got was that deer-in-the-headlights stare. 7.___Your city officials keep repeating the excuses of MJMEUC’s CEO Duncan Kincheloe, “It’s because of industry deregulation” or “MoPEP projections call for continued increases until 2009 when prices should stabilize,” or “In a few years other rates will be as high as ours.” You’re beginning to realize they have absolutely no idea what’s going on and they just want you to shut up and go away. 8.___In frustration you’ve resorted to writing nasty things on your electric bills. 9.___Your city officials have asked a PSC regulated electric company and/or the regional Associated Electric Co-op about contracting with them and that’s when they found out for the first time that they can’t get out of their MoPEP contract without a five-year notice and huge financial penalties. 10.___The towns around you are still buying power from the PSC regulated commercial companies or a co-op for the price you used to pay. Your friends who live in those towns are really rubbing it in. 11.___You’re looking for a house to buy out of town.
If you checked more than 8 of the above, welcome to the World of MoPEP, and the “ill-disguised display of bureaucratic avarice."
Here’s a tip. If your town hasn’t already bought a few million dollars worth of diesel generators to join MoPEP’s “generator farm” count your blessings and at all costs stop them from doing it. This failed business plan, a.k.a. The MoPEP modified Ponzi Scheme, is a story you won’t believe.
Watch this blog for news on MJMEUC's swelling investment portfolio and newspaper reports on the struggles of MoPEP member towns as they try to cope with their artificially inflated local utility rates and realize they are locked into MoPEP's perpetual, cost-plus contract. Our Google News Alert picks up news articles on MoPEP and MJMEUC but your local paper may not have an on-line version so Google will miss it. This is the place to pass along those articles.
Go Jean! This is Great! Unfortunately this is also true. I am still gathering signatures on the petition for the state audit of the City of Rolla and Rolla Municipal Utilities. If anyone would like to sign it that hasn't already done so please contact me at tw_77@hotmail.com You must reside within the city limits of Rolla and be a registered voter-if you are not a registered voter I can do that for you, too.