Friday, October 17, 2008

Are Palmyra and Shelbina looking for the door?

As clients became restless this summer, Kincheloe had to send out fire teams to stamp out the brush fires of rebellion:

Special Meeting Held Tuesday Morning about Shelbina’s Electrical Rate
By Thad Requet 8-6-08
In a meeting that drew considerable interest and discussion, several Shelbina City leaders met with representatives of the Missouri Public Utility Alliance. The Shelbina City Council, along with Mayor John Smith, City Administrator Chris VanHouten, Shelby County Economic Developer Robert Harrington and several employees and former employees of the Shelbina Electric Department met with John Grotzinger, Executive Director of Engineering and Operations for the Missouri Public Utility Alliance and Dr. Eve Lissik, Director of Energy Services and Assistant to the General Manager of the Missouri Public Utility Alliance.
• A Brief History The purpose of the meeting was to get an overview of the City’s current energy contracts and to find out more about how the process currently works. The Missouri Public Utility Alliance is an umbrella over three different entities. They are the Missouri Association of Municipal Utilities, the Municipal Gas Commission of Missouri and the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (MJMEUC). The Missouri Public Electric Pool (MoPEP) falls under MJMEUC. MoPEP started with an original group of 19 cities that formed the pool on Jan. 1, 2000. It currently has 32 cities in the energy pool. Cities that are involved with MoPEP have signed 40 year contracts to work through the group. The 40 year deal was signed in 2003, according to Grotzinger. If a city wants out of the agreement it would have to give a five year termination notice and would be responsible for any shortfall that might occur because of the City’s absence. Grotzinger said most likely no short fall would occur but in case there was one due to the City leaving the pool, it would be that city’s responsibility to cover that cost. The bulk of that cost would be in the debt service and financing in the next 30 to 40 years. For the full story, see this week’s issue of the Shelbina Weekly.

AUGUST 14, 2008
The Palmyra Board of Public Works met in a joint meeting with the city council on the above date in City Hall at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Loren Graham presiding. The following council members answered roll call: Jeff Merkel, Jim Bross, Gary Coleman and Carolyn Andresen. Councilman Emmett Garner entered the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Board members answering roll call were Ernie Boulware, Jim Church, Bill Huffman and Gary Stuhlman. Also present were Ewell Lawson, Eve Lissik and Duncan Kincheloe from MoPep, Brent Abell, Mark Cheffey.

Mr. Kincheloe presented handouts that showed MoPep information. He explained the MoPep operation, the prospect for the future of MoPep and the options available to the city. According to Mr. Kincheloe, if the city gives a five year notice to leave the pool, they would still be obligated financially for the life of each power plant that is being built. Another option is to find a city that is interested in joining the pool and assign our debt and obligation to them.
Fredericktown is in this process with St. James. Discussion and questions followed. A motion to adjourn was made at 8:50 p.m.

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